Admin Area [OneSync Infinity]


Tebex: Link

This script allows admins to set a blip around where they currently are using a command.

Password can be changed the the server.lua to whatever you see fit.

This script is one-sync infinity compatible.

/setada (Password)
/remada (Password)

This script requires OKOKNotify, it can be modified to work with chat messages but that will be up to you.

|                       |          |
| Code is accessible    | Yes |
| Subscription-based    | No   |
| Lines (approximately) | 200 |
| Requirements          | |
| Support               | Yes |

Please make sure to include the full paid releases template.

Can’t wait to spend 10€ to create a Blip!


why a password? As a community owner I want the most safety possible, that would mean ace permissions or discord. Also fax has a free resource for this.

OP request