Hi there,
I have a question for you.
How do i add permission level to scripts ?
E.g. If user’s perm lv. is 1 user can’t use /cuff if user’s lv. is 2, user can use /cuff command.
Hi there,
I have a question for you.
How do i add permission level to scripts ?
E.g. If user’s perm lv. is 1 user can’t use /cuff if user’s lv. is 2, user can use /cuff command.
I need to
but nobody respond …
Here is an exemple from Police Garage (not made by me), if it can help.
EssentialMode is needed !
if IsControlJustPressed(1,201) then
AddEventHandler(‘cp:spawncheck’, function()
TriggerEvent(‘es:getPlayerFromId’, source, function(user)
local player = user.identifier
if user.permission_level == (2) then
TriggerClientEvent(‘policespawn’, source)
TriggerClientEvent(‘worked’, source)
TriggerClientEvent(‘notworked’, source)
I will try this. Thank you.
what about if detects player ped like s_m_y_cop then can use police garage? would that be possible?
Create a new post, this post is not for your problem ^^
was just asking a question it’s no big deal buddy. plus the person already provided a solution for you.
no the problem is not fixed ^^
Yes, i didn’t try it yet
i have try it, is not work ^^ for me
If you found the solution. Please notice me senpai!