Adding a new account(Bank, Black Money) not working correctly

when I want to add a new one, it gets added to the table user_accounts correctly.
however if I edit the command /setmoney to add the new account, I get an error regarding that specific account. Like it can’t find it.
I edited the command to add the new account like this: So it should be working, right? As long as the 1st param is the account name.
This is the error I get:

seems like self.getAccount() can’t find the account in self.accounts array or doesn’t get added in the first place.

FIXED: problem was in main.lua from server folder in es_extended. event handler es:playerLoaded. There was a problem in the player accounts loop, with a break executing after the first iteration, so it would always check for the 1st account in the database and not all of them.
This is the PR, for anyone wanting to fix it: