Access denied for command on server

Hello there, I been getting this message of Access denied for comand XX (like command newdoor(with nui_doorlock) o ensure for restarting scripts).
I’ve tried giving me admin on the cfg.
add_principal group.admin group.user

add_principal group.helper group.user
add_ace resource.es_extended command.add_ace allow
add_ace resource.es_extended command.add_principal allow
add_ace resource.es_extended command.remove_principal allow
add_ace resource.es_extended command.add_principal allow
add_ace resource.es_extended command.sets allow
add_ace resource.esx_datastore command.sets allow
#add_principal identifier.fivem:ZZZZ group.admin
add_principal identifier.steam:ZZZZZZ group.admin

So when I put like
ensure esx_vanillajob it pops a message saying,
Access denied for command ensure

And I am looking for a solution for this because before I coud do it.

Thanks a lot!!!

Hello :wave:.

You need to set “group.admin” permissions.

add_ace group.admin command allow

I use this for all my staff :

add_principal group.mod group.user
add_principal group.admin group.mod
add_principal group.superadmin group.admin
add_principal group._dev group.superadmin
add_ace group.superadmin command allow
add_principal identifier.steam:mysteamhex group.superadmin

Have a great time.


Your admin group still needs the permissions for the commandd you’re trying to execute.

So you would have to set

add_ace group.admin command.<whatever you want to do> allow

or if you are the only one with the admin group you can always do

add_ace group.admin command allow
add_ace group.admin command.quit deny

to allow every command to be ran by group.admin

This post by Vespure is pretty helpful.

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Hello, looks like players with group “user” can’t do some commands, but on register command in esx legacy is setted as “user”, how I can fix please?