About creating a FiveM Server

Hello everybody,
Me and my team of friends would like to create a FiveM server but we don’t know how to do that…
I mean: today serching a bit the net for documentation i found something and i tried to do my best but i didn’t find a guide that explained me how FiveM works and how to code its scripts… Is there someone who would like to explain me that?

This guide should help a lot

You can use Lua, C# or JavaScript as scripting language for FiveM, docs should provide some info about basic resources and some scripting Guides for scripting - Cfx.re Docs

of course, but which one is the most worthy?

Depends which language you have most experience in, if none just choose Lua

we know the basis of js and c# but i’ve heard that some scripts written in lua are less safe than scripts written in c#