bruh i love you i will try it, thanks <3
edit: works great ^^

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How can I block weapons by level? For example, to buy a gun you have to be level 10

Hi, the scripts is working perfectly but i have a litte bit problem, there is random xp reset when player crash or disconnect and its appear happen everyday when i stop the server and kick the player when they online, still cant figure it out how to solve it, any idea anyone ? or fixed maybe ?

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Why dont working?

how to make that give 100 xp every 10 minutes??

n i earn xp and how can i add jobs ?

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i want to know it too

just posted that code a few comments upthere lol

how can i configure a job ? and how can i get xp ?

sorry im a beginner… :frowning: i will add xp for playtime fofr example every 15 min 10 xp and i will add when jobs done get extra xp

Wow, this… This is awesome. Thank you so much for sharing this with us. Furthermore, thank you for making it so user friendly, the sets and gets alone are GOLD.

I REALLY like this, and it can be adapted for so many systems.

Great job!

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how to add xp every 10 min 10xp ?

Server side

local minutes = 10
local xpToAdd = 10

function UpdateXP()
    local xPlayers = ESX.GetPlayers()

    for i=1, #xPlayers, 1 do
        TriggerClientEvent('esx_xp:Add', xPlayers[i], xpToAdd)

    Citizen.SetTimeout(minutes * 60 * 1000, UpdateXP)


@Mobius01 I was wondering how I would go about needing a certain level per vehicle through esx_vehicleshop if possible. Ive touched on it a little bit but still learning. As well as doing the same for weaponshop to require certain xp for a weapon

Anyone able to create a reward menu to reward players base on levels?

amm this is script server.lua or client.lua or server.cfg?

server.lua he stated that as “Server side”

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server.cfg is it server side?
example: start es_extended

if i do zone and any in the zone remove xp every minutes ?

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How to setup this script with esx_vehicleshop ?