Hi here …
There is a ‘Releases’ under [test]/keks with a ‘start up pic’, how can I activate this when my server load and starts. Should I activate something in the .yml file, if yes, what should I do / write there ? .
Hi here …
There is a ‘Releases’ under [test]/keks with a ‘start up pic’, how can I activate this when my server load and starts. Should I activate something in the .yml file, if yes, what should I do / write there ? .
Hi, in the citmp-server.yml, simply add this under AutoStartResources.
Ohhhh its works fine…
Thanks for help, Jan …
who the hell is Jan?
Its me, Jan Sorensen Denmark, Earth …
/Ivve from Tellus
Jordbærkage med flødeskum (slut)…