2 Natives that arent implemented yet but are listed on RuntimeNative Website

I was searching for a native that could provide some info if a entity are on wrong side of a road or under paviment.

After spent a lot of time I found these natives:

I’ve tried so many times using these natives but always return 0. So i’ve decided searching in GitHub and I couldnt find anything about these natives. ( as you can see https://github.com/search?q=org%3Acitizenfx+GetTimeSincePlayerDroveOnPavement&unscoped_q=GetTimeSincePlayerDroveOnPavement )

So, I think that these natives arent implemented yet or got removed on some update.

You are aware that game natives are implemented in R* code, not ‘the GH repo’, right?


This native has nothing to do with entities, for it is about players.