[Confused] Playing Animation On The Player

Hmm, Can’t say I can get it to work.
Have u looked into

function TaskPlayAnimAdvanced(p0, animDict, animName, posX, posY, posZ, rotX, rotY, rotZ, speed, speedMultiplier, duration, flag, animTime, p14, p15)

U know what this do:

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Still nothing:

    while true do
        if IsControlJustPressed(0, 323) then --Start holding X
            TaskArrestPed(GetPlayerPed(-1), 1000, GetPlayerPed(-1), -1, true) -- Perform animation.
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hmm make sure to use the right natives, http://www.dev-c.com/nativedb/

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@GanjaMonster I just saw your post here https://forum.fivereborn.com/topic/2112/how-to-play-an-animation-in-lua/7
Have u had any success since?

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i personally have not but i know some people got it working but its not public

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@GanjaMonster U have any idea if we are way off? I don’t understand that non-public way. Jesus it’s just an animation.

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well mine is set that its per command not a button key press

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@GanjaMonster Okay. No problem I have the ability to make it as a command. What else :smiley:

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well need to make a function for the command and i think i would try a different native maybe but u need the client and server script to make sure it works right

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@GanjaMonster Ok. U are making me sweat for it. So maybe the “TaskPlayAnimAdvanced” would be a nice choice-. Do u know what the first param is “p0” is? Is it PlayerId,PlayerPedID or even GetPlayerPed(-1)? U know when to use what? :=)

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@kanersps @Boss these guys might be able to help you it depends how u script it in the function

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I got it working. Here is a way to use it if anyone needs to run animations!

    local pid = PlayerPedId()
    while (not HasAnimDictLoaded("random@arrests@busted")) do Citizen.Wait(0) end
    TaskPlayAnim(pid,"random@arrests","idle_2_hands_up",1.0,-1.0, 5000, 0, 1, true, true, true)

Don’t know if you need all 3 RequestAnimDict’s but I did it and it worked :tada:

EDIT: This can only be run on the client, so fire an event from the server to the client like:

TriggerClientEvent('arrestme', target)
AddEventHandler('arrestme', function()

@GanjaMonster Like said in the op; “The Event is working but I can’t get the animation to run.” :stuck_out_tongue: I’m experienced in many languages (And lua is one) it’s just there is no information on how to use most of the functions. I had to look around, and found 2 different ways to use Wait() and CreateThread, but the working one is Citizen.Wait() and Citizen.CreateThread. The native functions are worse no idea what does what just putting numbers in places and it worked D:

I’ll release my full rp player arrest script when it’s done just have to setup walking when hands are cuffed :tada:

I got the two commands finished so far have to get detaining working :santa:
/arrest PlayerName
/cuff PlayerName

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some of these might help

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@Lex_The_Great That’s freaking awesome. Thanks for sharing and looking forward to your release :slight_smile:


@Lex_The_Great said in [Confused] Playing Animation On The Player:

I got the two commands finished so far have to get detaining working
/arrest PlayerName
/cuff PlayerName

Can’t it be PlayerId instad of name?
I just tried every thing and I can’t get it to work. Am just testing on my own player which should also work right?

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@COndor I’m not sure what you are trying to do?
I was talking about my plugin using the commands /arrest /cuff :S
I add the player to an array when they join like this { playerid=“Name” }
so when I join the array will be { “Lex_The_Great”=1 } then I check if the argument playername is in the array

-- Server
Players = {}
function addPlayer(source, name) -- addPlayer(source, "Lex_The_Great") <- Source is from the function onPlayerConnect. "Lex_the_Great" is from GetPlayerName(source)
    if (Players[name] == nil) then
        Players[name] = source

function getPlayerByName(name)
    if (Players[name] ~= nil) then
        return Players[name] -- <- Int is the array
    return false

Then I check the argument from /arrest with getPlayerByName(playername) for the ID

But @GanjaMonster posted something that might have a better way to get all the players :S

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try to set 8.00001 instead of 8.0

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so where would i put that in the server lua file or client lua file?
i have

TriggerClientEvent('ticket', target)

    local pid = PlayerPedId()
    while (not HasAnimDictLoaded("amb@medic@timeofdeath")) do Citizen.Wait(0) end
    TaskPlayAnim(pid,"amb@medic","idle_b_timeofdeath",1.0,-1.0, 5000, 0, 1, true, true, true)

in server.lua should that be in client.lua?

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keep in mind when you find the " TriggerClientEvent " it means that it currently is on server side
if it was on client side it would be like this for client events " TriggerEvent "
this should solve most of the confusion you will get from some codes on the forum