FiveReborn automatically close when I run it

I’m have some problem. GTA5.exe black screen closes automatically when I run it. I used a VPN, firewall turned off and reinstall it. but I didn’t fix it. How can i fix it? and I dont’ use an antivirus program

Please provide CitizinFX.log .

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You have LSPDFR installed?

@Boss No, GTA5 folder’s clean. and I using gta5 steam version. Can’t i fix it?

@Meehan Did you try verifying your GTA V?

@Boss Sure.

What is ExecuteCode / Installers?

What system language do you use?

Overall we noticed all asian languages cause problems. If possible, run it on English system language.

Same here. Though I use English system, it originally was Chinese. I just installed English pack.

@Jason that might be your problem aswell then.

@Jason You need to install english, and then you can install chinese pack on it.

@kanersps I using Asia language. In conclusion, do we need to install the English language pack to run it?

You need to install Windows English, then put Korean language pack. That works fine.

@Boss So is the problem not associated with Asia IP?

@Meehan Nope

@Boss You were a great help to me! Have a good day :slight_smile: