How do u fix this?

When im starting fivereborn i get like a Rockstar error thtat says Update Service is unavailable (code 213)
And then i have too click retry too come into fivereborn then when iam joining a server it just crashes! How do i fix! Please help

Please run steam in the background.

@kanersps Thanks u so much :slight_smile: Now how do u get the mod menu :slight_smile:

@maxarnhd said in How do u fix this?:

@kanersps Thanks u so much :slight_smile: Now how do u get the mod menu :slight_smile:

Create a plugins directory in your 5r directory. Put enhancedreborn.asi in there

@kanersps Where do u find that?

@maxarnhd said in How do u fix this?:

@kanersps Where do u find that?


@kanersps Where do u find enhancedreborn its not in my 5r directory

@maxarnhd said in How do u fix this?:

@kanersps Where do u find enhancedreborn its not in my 5r directory